Posts Tagged ‘eric harris’


Posted: September 23, 2012 in Posts
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Posted: September 23, 2012 in Posts
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Who’s to blame?

Posted: June 13, 2012 in Posts
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Through the 13 years since Columbine, there has been many controversies and blames for the massacre. No one’s really sure who’s all to blame for the tragedy. They’ve said Marilyn Manson, KMFDM (Keine Mehreit Fur Die Mitleid), and Rammstein. Also such movies as Natural Born Killers. But who’s fault is it?

The media has blamed music that Eric and Dylan listened to, for the massacre. One of the main being KMFDM. Because the boys quoted them numerous times in their journals. A favorite song of Eric’s being ‘Stray Bullet’ from the album ‘Symbols.’  ‘Stray Bullet, ready or not, I’m the illegitimate son of God.’  Eric and Dylan thought they were Godlike. Because they would decide who lived during the massacre, and who didn’t.   KMFDM made a statement saying That they are saddened by the events of that day, but they had nothing to do with the massacre.   KMFDM released their album ‘Adios’  on the day of the massacre, oddly enough.

Another blame for the shootings was the movie Natural Born Killers. A favorite movie or Eric and Dylan’s.  Eric related everything to NBK somehow. It was something he loved.  

Doom, also. DOOM is a computer game from the 90’s that Eric enjoyed playing. People say it gave him ‘a blood lust.’  In DOOM, you’re a marine who kills monsters and people with a shotgun, pistol, rocket launcher, etc. Eric applied for the Marines, like his father. But was declined for the levels of Luvox in his system.

When you think about it, there isn’t really one true blame. 

5:00     Get-up
6:00     meet at KS                  
7:00     go to Reb�s house
7:15     he leaves to fill propane
            I leave to fill gas
8:30     Meet back at his house
9:00     made d. bag set up car   
9:30     practice gearups   
	 Chill . . .   
10:30   set up 4 things   
11:       go to school   
11:10   set up duffel bags   
11:12   wait near cars, gear up
11:16   HAHAHA  

Posted: May 31, 2012 in Posts
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HATE! I’m full of hate and I love it!

Eric Harris

Posted: May 31, 2012 in Posts
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God knows I don’t want to be an angel.

Eric Harris

Yearbook signature.

Posted: April 13, 2012 in Posts

Yearbook signature.

Eric Harris’ signature in Nate Dykeman’s yearbook.

A Drawing by Dylan.

Posted: April 13, 2012 in Posts
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A diagram drawing by Dylan of what him and Eric would wear on the day of that shooting.

What is Columbine?

Posted: April 13, 2012 in Posts
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Columbine was a school shooting that happened April 20th, 1999. with shooters Eric Harris (18) and Dylan Klebold (17) killing 12 students, 1 teacher, and then themselves.  They wounded 25 other students, some severely, during the rampage.

The massacre started at 11:19 AM and ended at 12:01 PM with Eric and Dylan shooting themselves.

It started early that morning, around 10:30-11 AM when they set two 20 Lb. propane tank bombs in the cafeteria. Their plan was to have those two bombs blow up, bringing the library down onto the cafeteria, killing hundreds of students, and any survivors running out of the school would be shot by Eric and Dylan. Well, that didn’t go as planned. The bombs failed due to poorly made timers that were set to go off at 11:15 AM.

After waiting around for the bombs, they gave up waiting and shot Rachel Scott and Richard Castaldo who were sitting on the grass eating lunch. Killing Scott and paralyzing Castaldo from the waist down.

They shot Danny Rohrbourgh while he was holding the door for kids to escape.

They were walking in the hallways when they shot teacher Dave Sanders as he was running kids to safety. He later died, bleeding to death.

They went into the library and proceeded to kill the next 10 of their victims.

After roaming around the school aimlessly, they returned to the library, went into the southeast corner (where it wasn’t blood soaked, yet,) and shot themselves in the head.

Even though the shooting stopped at 12:01, the SWAT team didn’t enter the school until 3:00.

Columbine was the worst High school shooting in american history. Some think it’s second to Virginia Tech, but VTech was a College shooting.